Northwestern SIAM

Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Chapter at Northwestern University

What is SIAM?

SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) is the premier international professional organization for people in applied mathematics and related fields, including science and engineering. Our student chapter focuses on organizing events and activities to promote learning and involvement in applied mathematics. We hold a number of field trips and events each each, including trips to Argonne National Laboratory and Shedd Aquarium , social events such as pumpkin painting and boba tea times, and a series of journal talks. SIAM is open to all Northwestern students and postdoctoral scholars!


All Northwestern students, both undergraduate and graduate students, regardless of their major are eligible for free membership with SIAM. We encourage all students to join the SIAM chapter here at Northwestern. To request to join the mailing list, simply use the Contact Us form and provide us with your name and email with the message that you want to join in our events. We will take it from there! Join us and tell us what kind of events you want to see!

Board Members

2024-2025 Academic Year

Siqiao Mu


Ana Barioni

Vice President

Pietro Zanin


Liam O'Connor

Academic Chair

Aaron Scheiner

Social Chair

Divjyot Singh

Outreach Chair

Noah Roselli

Public Relations Chair

Aditi Ladda

Undergraduate Representative

Christina Catlett

Conference Chair

Elisheva Siegfried

Conference Chair

Adilson Motter

Faculty Advisor

Previous Board Members
Contact Us!
Or directly email
President: Siqiao Mu (
Faculty Advisor: Adilson Motter (
Follow us on Instagram @siam_northwestern!